Education Program
Farm My School Education Program creates hands-on learning experiences to stimulate critical thinking about food growing, regenerative farming, sustainability, health and wellbeing. We explore constructive and sustainable ways farming and food issues can be addressed on a local scale. Through first-hand experience, we aim to build students' understanding, respect and connection with farms and the farmers who grow the food we eat.
Excursions are held at the Farm My School Pilot Project site, located at Bellarine Secondary College in Drysdale, where we have created a 1.5-acre market garden and food hub. Schools can choose between half day or full day excursions.
Topics include:
Healthy soil = healthy plants = healthy people = healthy community
Farm tour, dig-&-compare, soil testing (carbon, pH)
(2 Hrs)
Worm Farms - The Ins and Outs
F – Year 10 | Farm tour, explore a worm farm
(2 Hrs)
Year 2 – Year 10 | Farm tour, Insect Spotto & beneficial planting
(2 Hrs)
Place, Pitch, Paddock, Plate
Year 4 – Year 12 | Mindfulness on Country, physical timeline, farm tour, harvest/cook/eat
(4 Hrs)
Farm My School excursions cater for Early Learning, Primary and Secondary year levels, are aligned to the Victorian Curriculum and are delivered by qualified educators.
To find out more, or to book a Farm My School experience, please click here.
For all other enquiries email the Farm My School team at grow@farmmyschool.com.au